
Working Conversations Episode 186:

Unveiling AI's Realism: My Keynote Summarized by Avatars


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Ever wondered how realistic AI-generated content has become?

Prepare to be amazed.

In this episode, I explore the intriguing intersection of artificial intelligence and human communication, as two highly realistic AI "people" interpret my keynote, Take Charge of Your Future.

These avatars dive into key themes from my speech, including the importance of continuous learning, building workplace connections, and pushing the boundaries of personal growth.

While the AI narrators do an impressive job summarizing the heart of my keynote, I also clarify a few areas where their interpretations missed the mark. Through this experience, I reflect on how technology, despite its limitations, is playing an increasingly important role in enhancing human connection and driving innovation in the workplace.

If you're fascinated by AI or passionate about leadership and personal development, this episode offers a unique perspective on how we can leverage technology to amplify our growth. You'll walk away with actionable insights to take charge of your own future, no matter your industry or profession.

Join me in this episode as we uncover the potential—and limitations—of AI in leadership and professional growth.

Together, we’ll explore the exciting possibilities technology offers for the future of work.

Listen and catch the full episode here or wherever you listen to podcasts. You can also watch it and replay it on my YouTube channel, JanelAndersonPhD.

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Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Working Conversations podcast, where we talk all things leadership, business, communication, and trends in organizational life. I'm your host, Dr. Janel Anderson.

Imagine this. You're listening in on two people having a conversation after having been in the audience at one of my keynotes. They're discussing the speech, engaging in a lively back and forth about the ideas that I presented. It's so realistic, you can almost imagine what they look like. But here's the twist. Those two voices, they aren't real.

They're AI generated using Google Notebook's LM generative AI tool. In this episode, we are actively experimenting with the fascinating world of AI generated content. You'll hear for yourself just how lifelike and how eerily convincing these digital narrators can be. Listen in as these two discuss their interpretation of my keynote. Take charge of your future. I'll catch you on the flip side with my thoughts.

AI Narrator #1: Hey, everyone, and welcome back. You know how sometimes you hear that phrase, like, take charge of your life, and it's like, where do I even begin?

AI Narrator #2: It can be so overwhelming, right?

AI Narrator #1: But what if we told you that we found this awesome presentation that actually breaks it down? Like, step by step, like, practical stuff you can actually use?

AI Narrator #2: Sign me up.

AI Narrator #1: Seriously. It's called taking charge of your future. And it's by this woman, Janel, who's got this really fascinating background.

AI Narrator #2: Oh, yeah, I read about her. She used to be a college professor or something.

AI Narrator #1: Yeah, she was a professor and then transitioned into, like, this whole workplace expert consultant thing.

AI Narrator #2: Okay, so she's got that academic background, but also the real world experience.

AI Narrator #1: Exactly. And it makes her whole approach to this topic super interesting because she's coming at it from all these different angles.


AI Narrator #2: I like that.

AI Narrator #1: So one of the things she talks about right off the bat is this idea of continuous learning, which. Okay, sounds kind of obvious, right? Like, we should always be learning and growing, but she takes it a step further and talks about finding those opportunities and, like, the most unexpected places.

AI Narrator #2: Okay, now I'm intrigued. What kind of unexpected places are we talking about here?

AI Narrator #1: Like, she was giving an example of how she got totally sucked into this research rabbit hole about China.

AI Narrator #2: China? Like the country?

AI Narrator #1: Yeah. She was reading some headlines about how their population is aging, and the whole commercial real estate market over there is like a ticking time bomb.

AI Narrator #2: Oh, wow. Yeah, I think I saw something about that.

AI Narrator #1: And most people would just be like, huh. Interesting, and move on. Right. But not Janel. She was like, I need to know more.

AI Narrator #2: And that's how she spends her free time. Huh.

AI Narrator #1: Right. Like, she just dives into these topics that most people would find totally boring, and she just finds these connections and learns all this stuff.

AI Narrator #2: That's actually kind of amazing, right?

AI Narrator #1: Like, it totally changed how I look at learning now. It's like you don't always need a textbook or a classroom. Sometimes the best learning happens just by following your curiosity.

AI Narrator #2: Totally. And I bet she's one of those people who can talk about anything.

AI Narrator #1: Oh, absolutely. And she had us all cracking up with this story about making homemade ketchup.

AI Narrator #2: Homemade ketchup? What, like, from scratch?

AI Narrator #1: Yeah. So, apparently, her garden was overflowing with tomatoes. Nobody could eat them fast enough.

AI Narrator #2: I've been there.


AI Narrator #1: Right? So she decides to google how to make ketchup.

AI Narrator #2: Of course she did. Why not?

AI Narrator #1: Exactly. And let me tell you, it did not go smoothly at first. Like, there were tomato explosions. It was a whole thing.

AI Narrator #2: I bet it was delicious, though.

AI Narrator #1: Oh, totally. But the point is, it's like she took this random, everyday experience and turned it into this whole learning opportunity. She even tried to make homemade bloody Mary mix after that.

AI Narrator #2: This woman does not quit.

AI Narrator #1: She doesn't. And it's inspiring, you know? Like, we can all find ways to learn and grow, even if it starts with a tomato explosion in our kitchen.

AI Narrator #2: Words to live by.

AI Narrator #1: So we're talking tomato explosions, learning new things.

AI Narrator #2: This is what it's all about.

AI Narrator #1: But then Janel kind of shifted gears and started talking about connection, okay. Which I think is super relevant, especially now.

AI Narrator #2: Yeah. Like, post pandemic, right?

AI Narrator #1: Like, we're all kind of figuring out how to be together again.

AI Narrator #2: It's true.

AI Narrator #1: And she dropped this bomb about how the surgeon general.

AI Narrator #2: Wait, what?

AI Narrator #1: Yeah. The surgeon general is, like, studying loneliness.

AI Narrator #2: Now, like, as a public health crisis.

AI Narrator #1: Seriously. It's like, that's how big of a deal it is. And it's not just like, oh, you'll feel a little lonely. Right. It can have serious impacts on your health.

AI Narrator #2: Yeah, I read an article about that. Scary stuff.

AI Narrator #1: Right? And here's the thing I hadn't really thought about before. Even though a lot of us are connecting more with, like, our close friends and family, our overall social circles have shrunk.

AI Narrator #2: Oh, that's interesting.

AI Narrator #1: Like, think about it. How many people did you interact with regularly? Like, pre pandemic.

AI Narrator #2: Oh, yeah.

AI Narrator #1: That you just. You don't anymore.

AI Narrator #2: It's true. You're right.

AI Narrator #1: I work colleagues, people at the gym, wherever. Yeah, it's kind of wild when you actually stop and think about it.

AI Narrator #2: It is.

AI Narrator #1: Yeah.

AI Narrator #2: It's a different world.

AI Narrator #1: And then she started talking about how important those work connections are.

AI Narrator #2: Oh, interesting.

AI Narrator #1: Which I'm like, yeah, of course. It's nice to have work friends.

AI Narrator #2: Right?

AI Narrator #1: But she was talking about how it actually affects the company's bottom line. Oh, yeah. Like, there's all this research that shows that companies with strong workplace friendships, okay, they have higher customer engagement.

AI Narrator #2: That makes sense.

AI Narrator #1: Less employee theft.

AI Narrator #2: Really?

AI Narrator #1: Even fewer safety incidents.

AI Narrator #2: I would not have guessed that.

AI Narrator #1: Right. It's like, who knew that having a work bestie could actually make the workplace safer?

AI Narrator #2: All about teamwork.

AI Narrator #1: Right. So then the question is, okay, how do we actually make this happen?

AI Narrator #2: Yeah, because you can't exactly force people to be friends.

AI Narrator #1: Exactly. Like, walking up to someone with a friendship contract is probably not going to go over well.

AI Narrator #2: Probably not the best approach.

AI Narrator #1: Janel had some really good practical advice.

AI Narrator #2: Okay, I'm listening.

AI Narrator #1: One thing she's a huge fan of is what she calls, like, 15 minutes coffee chats.

AI Narrator #2: Okay, I like that.

AI Narrator #1: Right. Like, it's not a big formal meeting.

AI Narrator #2: Yeah.

AI Narrator #1: It's just, hey, let's grab a coffee chat for a few minutes.

AI Narrator #2: T a bit casual.

AI Narrator #1: Exactly. And you can just talk about, like, whatever, right? Weekend plans, what you're watching on Netflix.

AI Narrator #2: I was just gonna say, gotta catch up on those shows.

AI Narrator #1: Right. And then maybe you find out you have something in common.

AI Narrator #2: Right. Like a shared love of terrible reality tv.

AI Narrator #1: Exactly. And now youve got that connection.

AI Narrator #2: Thats how it starts.

AI Narrator #1: Right. But heres the thing. She also talked about this thing called affinity bias.

AI Narrator #2: Affinity bias? Whats that?

AI Narrator #1: Okay, so its basically this human tendency that we all have where were naturally drawn to people who are like us.

AI Narrator #2: Oh, yeah, totally.

AI Narrator #1: Like, similar interests, backgrounds, maybe even a sense of humor.

AI Narrator #2: Right. Like, you just click with them.

AI Narrator #1: Exactly. And on the surface, that's not a bad thing.

AI Narrator #2: Right? Birds of a feather flock together.

AI Narrator #1: Exactly. But here's where it gets a little tricky. This affinity bias can actually, like, unconsciously influence our decisions at work.

AI Narrator #2: Oh, interesting.

AI Narrator #1: Yeah. So we might not even realize it, okay. But we might give preferential treatment to people we have an affinity with.

AI Narrator #2: Oh, I see what you're saying.

AI Narrator #1: So it's not just about who we choose to eat lunch with.

AI Narrator #2: Right.

AI Narrator #1: It could actually impact people's careers.

AI Narrator #2: Wow. That's kind of a big deal.

AI Narrator #1: Right? And she gave this example of, like, imagine you're going above and beyond for a colleague.

AI Narrator #2: Yeah.

AI Narrator #1: Because you're friends with them, but in doing that, you're maybe overlooking someone else who's just as deserving.

AI Narrator #2: Right.

AI Narrator #1: Or maybe even more so.

AI Narrator #2: That makes sense.


AI Narrator #1: And you don't even realize you're doing it.

AI Narrator #2: Right. It's not intentional.

AI Narrator #1: Exactly. So it's like our unconscious biases are kind of like, shaping our actions.

AI Narrator #2: Yeah, that's kind of scary when you think about it.

AI Narrator #1: Right. So, then the question becomes, okay, how do we combat this?

AI Narrator #2: Right, because it sounds like it's kind of hardwired into us.

AI Narrator #1: Right. But Janel had this really cool exercise.

AI Narrator #2: Okay. I love exercise.

AI Narrator #1: It's called the affinity bias test.

AI Narrator #2: Okay, let's do it. I'm ready to be tested.

AI Narrator #1: Well, it's not really a test. It's more like a thought experiment.

AI Narrator #2: Okay.

AI Narrator #1: So she says, imagine you had to make a list of all your colleagues.

AI Narrator #2: Okay, got it.

AI Narrator #1: And then rank them on a scale of, like, one to five.

AI Narrator #2: Okay. One being.

AI Narrator #1: One being like, if I saw this person in the grocery store, I would run the other way.

AI Narrator #2: I'm picturing it. And five.

AI Narrator #1: Five is like, this person is my work bestie.

AI Narrator #2: Yeah.

AI Narrator #1: But we'd totally hang out even if we didn't work together.

AI Narrator #2: Got it.

AI Narrator #1: So, you've got your list, right?

AI Narrator #2: Yeah.

AI Narrator #1: And then you look at it, and you start to think, okay, okay, who's at the top?

AI Narrator #2: Yeah.

AI Narrator #1: Who's at the bottom? And am I treating those people differently?

AI Narrator #2: Interesting.

AI Narrator #1: Based on this arbitrary ranking that I've given them in my head, I like it. And it's not about ending your close friendships at work, but maybe just being a little more aware of how those relationships might be influencing your decisions.

AI Narrator #2: That's a good point.

AI Narrator #1: Right. Am I going above and beyond for this person in a way that might be, like, unintentionally disadvantaging someone else?

AI Narrator #2: Yeah, that's a really good point.

AI Narrator #1: Or on the flip side, like, are there people I'm not giving a fair shake to because I don't have that natural affinity with them.

AI Narrator #2: Right.

AI Narrator #1: It's all about, like, checking ourselves.

AI Narrator #2: Right. And our biases.

AI Narrator #1: Exactly. So, we're talking affinity bias, becoming more aware of those unconscious preferences. But now let's talk about how we can actually grow from those insights, you know, take charge of our own development.

AI Narrator #2: Right.

AI Narrator #1: And Janel had this whole section on what she calls your growth edge, which, I have to admit, it really got me thinking.

AI Narrator #2: Yeah, it's a powerful concept, because it's.

AI Narrator #1: Like, okay, we hear all the time, push yourself outside your comfort zone. But what does that even mean, right? Like, am I supposed to quit my job and become a trapeze artist or something?

AI Narrator #2: Right. It can sound a little extreme.

AI Narrator #1: Totally. But the way Janel explained it, it just clicked for me. So, how would you define a growth edge for those of us who are like, okay, I'm ready to grow, but point me in the right direction?

AI Narrator #2: Well, I think the simplest way to put it is it's that space just beyond what you're comfortable with. Like, you're a little unsure of yourself, maybe a little nervous, but there's also this element of excitement.

AI Narrator #1: Okay, so it's like a good kind of nervous, like butterflies in your stomach nervous, not like run for the hills nervous?

AI Narrator #2: Yeah, exactly. Because those butterflies, they're telling you that you're stretching, that you're pushing those self imposed limits and really tapping into your potential.

AI Narrator #1: It's like, if you're not at least a little uncomfortable, are you really growing?

AI Narrator #2: That's a good question to ask yourself, because if you're always playing it safe, staying within those boundaries you've created for yourself, you're not really giving yourself a chance to see what you're truly capable of.

AI Narrator #1: Okay, I'm feeling motivated. So, how do we actually figure out what our growth edges are? Cause it's probably different for everyone, right?

AI Narrator #2: Definitely. What feels challenging for one person might be a breeze for someone else, but I think a good starting point is to ask yourself, what makes me feel a little uneasy but also kind of intrigued. Like, what's that thing that you've been curious about, but maybe a little afraid to try.

AI Narrator #1: Okay. So, for me, it would be something like public speaking. I can talk your ear off one on one, but put me on a stage in front of a crowd, and I totally freeze up.

AI Narrator #2: There you go. That's a perfect example of a growth edge. And notice how I said potential growth edge. Because it's not about forcing ourselves to do things that terrify us or that we're not ready for. It's about those small, manageable steps outside of our comfort zones.

AI Narrator #1: So, baby steps. Got it.

AI Narrator #2: Exactly. Instead of jumping straight into that stand up comedy class, maybe you start by volunteering to lead a team meeting at work.

AI Narrator #1: Okay. That feels way less intimidating. I can handle that. And Janel actually shared this great story about facing her fear of heights. Like she was on vacation, and there was this cliff everyone was jumping off of into the water.

AI Narrator #2: Oh, I don't know if I could do that.

AI Narrator #1: Right. And she was terrified, but she did it anyway. And you know what? She said it was the most exhilarating experience.

AI Narrator #2: See, that's what it's all about. Those moments where you push past that fear and realize, hey, I can do this.

AI Narrator #1: And it doesn't have to be something physical like that. It could be learning a new skill. Finally tackling that pile of paperwork you've been avoiding. It's really about being open to new experiences and pushing those self imposed limitations. But once we've identified those growth edges, how do we actually go from thinking about them to actually growing?

AI Narrator #2: Well, that's where Janel introduced this really helpful action framework.

AI Narrator #1: Okay, tell me more about this framework, because I think a lot of us, we get stuck in that. Okay, I'm going to do this thing. But then we don't actually take any action, right?

AI Narrator #2: We get stuck in analysis paralysis. So her framework breaks it down into four levels. The first one might seem counterintuitive, but it's no action.

AI Narrator #1: No action? Wait, I thought we were all about taking action here.

AI Narrator #2: We are. But sometimes the most powerful action you can take is to not take any action.

AI Narrator #1: Okay, now you're just messing with me.

AI Narrator #2: I promise I'm not. Yeah, but think about it. Sometimes you need to pause, gather more information, or just let a situation unfold naturally.

AI Narrator #1: So it's about being intentional, even in our inaction.

AI Narrator #2: Exactly. Now, the next level is reaction, which, let's be honest, is often our default mode. Something happens and we react, sometimes without really thinking things through.

AI Narrator #1: Oh, I am so guilty of this. Especially when I'm stressed.

AI Narrator #2: We all do it. But the key here is to learn how to create a little space between the stimulus and our response. So before you fire off that angry email or blurt out something you might regret, take a breath, assess the situation, and then decide on the best course of action.

AI Narrator #1: It's like that. Classic advice, sleep on it. Sometimes a little distance can make all the difference.

AI Narrator #2: Exactly. Now, once you've taken that beat, that's when you move into action. This is where you're starting to put things into motion, making plans and working towards those goals.

AI Narrator #1: Okay, I'm feeling more energized already.

AI Narrator #2: And then the final level, and this one is not for the faint of heart, is massive action. This is about going all in, dedicating yourself fully to something you're passionate about.

AI Narrator #1: So if action is dipping your toes in the water, massive action is like cannonballing into the deep end.

AI Narrator #2: Exactly. It's about that full immersion, that laser focus on achieving something extraordinary. But this is important. She emphasizes that it's crucial to be mindful of what that massive action might be displacing in your life.

AI Narrator #1: That's a really good point. Like, are you sacrificing your health or your relationships in pursuit of this goal. It's about finding that balance.

AI Narrator #2: Exactly.

AI Narrator #1: Wow, this has been such an insightful conversation. I feel like I've got a whole new toolkit for taking charge of my life now.

AI Narrator #2: Me too. Janel really packed a lot into this presentation.

AI Narrator #1: She did. So to wrap things up, I think the biggest takeaway here is that taking charge of your future, it's not about some massive, overwhelming life overhaul. It's about those small, intentional choices that we make every single day. Its about embracing those growth edges, being kind to ourselves when we stumble, and celebrating those little victories along the way.

AI Narrator #2: Couldnt have said it better myself.

AI Narrator #1: Well, on that note, thanks for joining us for this deep dive. Well catch you next time.

Okay. How realistic was that from a content perspective? They summarized the content handily, and they only messed up two things, one very minor and the other a little bit bigger, but not too significant. In the keynote, I cover three learn, connect, and grow, all as a means of taking charge of your future. And then I give my action framework from taking no action intentionally to taking massive action, which often comes at the expense of other things that don't get your attention or any action. The first thing they messed up was that when I talk about learning from non traditional sources, I talk about getting curious about news headlines. For example. Now, they combined two different headlines, one about an aging population in China and one about commercial real estate here in the United States. And they talked about them as if it was the same news story that I was interested in or researching.

Now, that's not material to the speech that they messed this up, but I do need to point out that it was inaccurate. And the second and slightly bigger thing that got distorted, Washington taking no action in my action framework. They were partially accurate in their discussion of it. But my primary reason for taking no action is because it just isn't the right time to take action. Maybe you're already overextended, or for whatever reason, you're just choosing not to act right now, but instead you're putting whatever it is that you want to take action on in your calendar so that you remember to take action on it in the future. And that's the piece that they didn't quite get accurate.

Now, overall, I have to admit I was genuinely amazed by the accuracy and the realism of the AI generated discussion. It captured not just the content of my keynote, but the subtle nuances of discussion and interaction.

You know, the tone, inflection, and even the natural flow of conversation. It's a powerful reminder of how far technology has come and the incredible potential it holds for the future. As we continue to develop these new tools, the line between human and machine generated content will blur even further, opening up new possibilities for everything from business communication to creative storytelling. The future of technology is not just about automation, though. It's about amplifying human connection in ways that we couldn't have imagined before.

Remember, the future of technology is not only remember, the future of work is not only about technology, it's about the values we uphold, the communities we build, and the sustainable growth we all strive for. We need to keep exploring, keep innovating, and keep envisioning the remarkable possibilities that lie ahead. That's it for today's episode.

If you found this helpful, don't forget to subscribe and share it with your friends, especially this episode. It is so cool what AI can do. I'll be back next week with another topic on the future of work, and until then, stay curious, stay compassionate, and don't be afraid to ask the tough questions. I'll be back with another topic on the future of work next week. Until then, my friends, be well.

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